Today is November 22. Thanksgiving. I love Thanksgiving. It has a certain feel to it. I wake up every Thanksgiving and I just know that it's the day. It's just nice. Plus, I try to always be thankful for what I have but sometimes it's not the easiest thing to do. Everyone on Facebook has been posting what they are thankful for, and while reading them it was so hard for me to not post what I was thankful for (I knew this blog was coming so I had to wait :P). So here they are. Twenty two things that I am thankful for.
1.) Family. My family may be far from perfect, but I've learned over the years that because of their imperfections I've become the person I was meant to be. My family has such an affect on me (whether learning from their mistakes or implementing their good teachings), and I know they will always love me no matter what. My mother definitely love me. Sometimes too much. Lol. I know she has good intentions, and I can't really complain about someone who washes my clothes, cooks my food, and cleans my house and doesn't ask for anything in return but a little love. She's always been my biggest fan and supporter.
2.) My friends. Growing up I didn't really have many good friends. Every year my "friends" would change depending on who was in my class. It wasn't until the end of eighth grade/beginning of ninth that I truly had friends. And not just friends. BEST ones. There are many who fall into this "best" category, but I'm pretty sure most of you reading this will know who are the two that will always be especially close to my heart: Erin and Tina. They were really the first best friends I ever had, and they even stuck with me all of these years! We've been through so much together. I can remember times where we held each other through tough times or sent a text just to share a funny tale. We know so much about each other and offered advice in difficult situations. I don't know what I would've done without them. I'll tell you one thing though, because I knew them, I have been made a better person. They've kept me strong in my faith, that's one thing I love about them. I love that we always kept faith a huge part of our relationships with each other. They're off in Florida (although I get to see them in a day!!) for college, and it just hurts me to not see them everyday. Luckily, I can call and text, and I know they'll still be there for me. I love them so much, and it fills me with joy to see them happy and successful at FC.
3.) Music. As most of you know I am a vocal music education major at Tennessee Tech. I chose to do this with my life because I honestly and truly believe that God put me on this Earth to share music (and His word through music) with the world. There is definitely a link between music and human emotions, and I can't wait to share the full scale of emotions with generations of students. I'm so thankful for the talents God has given me that give me the ability to mission through teaching music.
4.) A home. I have always been blessed to live in a good house. Not the best, fanciest, or biggest house, but a house nonetheless. My family has always made sure that I had a good home with heat and air conditioner and lots of love.
5.) Food. Anyone can take one look at me and tell that I've never struggled for food. I may not always like being fat, but I'm grateful that I have the opportunity to even eat enough to be overweight.
6.) My nannie and papa. As a child, I used to love going to their house to play because there was always something fun to do with Nannie. As I grew up, Nannie became less of a play mate and more of an authority figure and friend. She loves me so much, and I know that she would do absolutely anything for me. I look up to her in so many aspects. Similarly, my views of my papa have changed over the years. When I was young, I was genuinely intimidated by him. He was just my big ole mean papa. Then as I got older I realized that he is the coolest Papa ever! He's so funny and almost always in a good mood. He is the smartest man I know, and I've learned so much about being a man from him. Another reason that I am grateful for my grandparents is their giving hearts. My father doesn't make a whole lot of money- just enough to provide a minimum living situation. My mother has always been a homebody because she cannot work. My grandparents are fortunate enough to have enough money to allow me to have things that I wouldn't normally get the opportunity to have. There are so many experiences I've gotten to have because of them. I truly am blessed to have them.
7.) My sister. Most teenage boys do not consider their little sisters their best friends. I do. She will always be my best friend above anyone. If it were not for Markie, my life would be SO different. Who would I hang out with on vacations? Who would I talk to about things I can't tell Mom and Dad about? Who would I act stupid with, sing with, laugh with, or cry with? Because we share so much, our bond is much closer than other siblings our age. We are almost the same person (although I choose to be more outgoing with it- she claims to be "quiet". Pshh! She's really just like me, don't let her tell you otherwise.) She is beautiful, talented, smart, and has a wonderful heart. I cannot wait to see what God has in store for her.
8.) Clothes. It sounds cliche, but I'm blessed to have the ability to get new clothes every few months or so, knowing that there are children getting on a bus in the freezing cold without a winter coat.
9.) Intelligence. I've always taken for granted my ability to learn without difficulties. School has always been easy for me, so I never gave much thought to it until recently. Not everyone can get through high school with a 4.0 GPA and never have really studied outside of class. There are people out there who genuinely want to learn- CRAVE knowledge- but aren't given the natural ability to learn. It's so sad when people abuse the gift of knowledge.
10.) My car. When I turned sixteen, like they did for all previous grandchildren, my nannie and papa bought me a car. A '99 Toyota Solara. I love it. It's been a good car most of the time. Sure, it's given me trouble (like the time my transmission and breaks went out going down a huge TN hill...) but it always gets me where I need to go, all the while looking cool. :P
11.) Indoor plumbing. Admit it, you're thankful for it too.
12.) The internet. Yes, the internet has potential for many terrible things, but it was made for our benefit. It makes it so easy to find information, to keep in contact with people, and avoid boredom.
13.) Electricity. I love being able to see at night. Candles are so 19th century.
14.) America. Everyone wants to complain about where we live and threaten to move to Canada, but really, we have so much to be thankful for here. We are free to say what we want (you know, to an extent), worship who we want (although Jesus is Lord, just saying..), and rise from our misfortunes for better lives. Sure, our leaders are far from perfect, but we really do take for granted all of the wonderful things that America offers us. Get over yourself and appreciate the great US of A.
15.) Tennessee. I love this state. So much. The hills, the crazy weather, a new church every .5 miles down any given road. Tennessee is gorgeous.
16.) Tennessee Technological University. I am so thankful that I get the opportunity to not only go to college, but go to Tech. There are so many amazing things at Tech, and I cannot wait for the next four years of my life.
17.) The Tennessee Tech Chorale. I get to sing in a choir with 45 other people who share the same interests as I do (at least) three times a week. And did I mention they're wonderful? Well they are. I can't wait to travel abroad with these incredible people in May. I absolutely love Chorale!
18.) The TTU Baptist Collegiate Ministry. I waited about a month and a half after starting school to go to the BCM. I didn't go prior to this because honestly, I was scared to go by myself. I became friends with two awesome girls who went regularly and invited me to go, and I thought "Finally! Friends to go with!" I am so glad that I went with them, and my only regret is that I didn't start earlier. It's so uplifting to be surrounded by a community of fellow Christians that I can worship and hang out with. I've made so many friends while going there. (Shout outs to Danni and Savannah)
19.) Taco Bell. Where else can you get two burritos, chips, and a drink (all delicious) for $3.60? If there's an answer to that, I don't wanna know. I'm not sure I could handle it.
20.) Teachers. I have had the joy of studying under some fantastic teachers that have molded me into the man I am today. Just to name A FEW: Mrs. Connie Williams, Mrs. Jan White, Mrs. Alexis Mauldin, Mrs. Rebecca Koger , Ms. Joyce McCullough, Mrs. Rhonda Winton, Mrs. Jessica Bond, Mrs. Whitney Shelton, Mrs. Megan Benton, and Mrs. Stacey Chandler. Every single one of these ladies has had such an effect on me. Whether it was being a friend and confidant, a spiritual guide, or an academic adviser, I will always love these wonderful women.
21.) Health. I may not be an Olympian or have a great physique, but at least I'm healthy. I can live my life normally without any major health obstacles. There are so many things that could be wrong with me, but so far , so good!
22.) Jesus. Last and most importantly, I'm forever grateful for my lord and savior Jesus Christ. There are so many things that he gives to me, and I deserve not a single one. He gives me life. He gives me strength. He gives me hope. He gives me joy. He gives me salvation. He takes my sin and washes it away. He is my everything, and without Him, I am nothing. We can never be thankful enough for His incredible sacrifice.
So there it is. All 22 of 'em. And now, I leave you with two things:
1.) I never imagined this would be this long.
2.) This entry's song: I Just Want to Thank You Lord
Thank you for reading this entire monster of a blog entry. Have a wonderful week!
God Bless,
Nick Mullins!
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