You ever have those moments in your life where everything seems to be going perfectly even though it's not? Today was one of those days for me. I woke up at my usual time and got ready to leave the dorm, fully aware of the torrential downpour happening outside. Instead of this "raining on my parade" I was actually in a really good mood! As I walked down the sidewalk through the puddles with my new HUGE, windproof umbrella (which I was excited to finally use) I noticed how beautiful the day was. Through the dark clouds, 20 mph wind gusts, and typhoon it was a gorgeous day. I couldn't help but to feel blessed while I watched many a person's umbrella buckle under the pressure of the wind; my windproof umbrella was holding true to its claim. The more people I saw look all sad or mopey I figured I'd be a paragon of positivity on this dreary day. Plus, being mopey? Ain't Nobody Got Time For That.
Today was also the day in which I was designated to register for next semester's classes. I had my schedule worked out exactly the way it had to be-no exceptions, it was perfect. As I went to sign up it turned out that two of the classes that I absolutely have to take were scheduled at the same time and neither were offered any other time. . . . which stressed me out greatly- if any of you know me you know that I do not like it when my plans stray from their original route without notice. Not only that- when I went to confirm my 18 credit hours a red sign popped up on the screen telling me that I could only sign up for 11 hours due to immunization records not being found. .. . . .didn't I deal with all of this during the summer? (the answer is yes, which is directly related to my frustration.) Oh well, I just signed up for the classes I could and went on about my business. I guess I'll get that fixed later. . . .
Chorale went well (for those of you who don't know, Chorale is the premier choral ensemble at Tennessee Tech, of which I am a member); we're really starting to take off! (insert pun only Chorale people will get.) Went I left the music building for the first time all day the sun was shining, and although the temperature had descended dramatically, the sun gleaming on the wet pavement had me breathless (or maybe it was the frigid air paralyzing my lungs. ....). I'm such a sap for things like that. Sometimes I just look at something and think, "Wow. Our world is full of such wonderful creations made by such a wonderful creator." That's when I began to realize, I need to stop worrying so much about little things in my life that won't mean a thing in the long run. I've got to trust in God that he will lead me on the path I'm meant to be on. Without Him I wouldn't be at Tech at all. And then, a thought hit me. Whether or not I get into all of the classes I originally intended on taking- my mom and Jesus will still love me.
God Bless,
Nick Mullins!
There is already one link above for a song but this one's a little more relevant. It's from the first big musical I was ever in :D Put on a Happy Face Plus this performance is so much fun!
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