So tomorrow is supposed to be the "end of the world" according to the Mayans, although if you live anywhere on Earth you already know this. Well, I think it's all a bunch of bologna. I'm pretty sure the Mayans just got tired of extending the calender. They knew they wouldn't last that long so what'd it matter to them? Anyway, another reason I don't believe the hype is because God says that no one will know the day or time. It even says that He will come like a thief in the night (1 Thessalonians 5:2). Even knowing that it won't really happen, I started thinking a few days ago- if the world really were to end on December 21, would I be satisfied with what I'd done in life?
I have many goals in life that I haven't even begun to fulfill yet. I plan on graduating college, getting married, having kids, owning a home, writing a book, recording an album, changing lives. I mean, my main goal in life is to inspire so many people that I have a Hallmark movie made about my life. That's all I really want. Mr. Mullins' Opus. I like it. But if the world were to end tomorrow, I wouldn't get to do any of those things. My life would've been nothing more than eighteen years of wasted time. That's actually a very depressing thought once you think about it. I've been going to school for fourteen of my eighteen years of living, and I sure didn't accomplish much in the first four years.
Okay, rewind. I guess it isn't fair to say that I haven't accomplished ANYTHING in my life. I have at least managed to develop relationships with some awesome people. I Graduated high school with a 4.0. I went to All State choir both years that I auditioned. I was saved by Christ's love and baptized. I hopefully have made some people smile and brightened some days. These things are great but upon self examination, there is SO much more that I could have done. All the people I could have helped. All of the times I could have been reading my bible or spreading the word of Christ. All the times I could have spent loving instead of hating, laughing instead of crying, working instead of loafing, giving instead of taking. It's so easy to point out one's own flaws. Fixing them is a different story all-together.
We can't all dwell on the past and think of all the things we could have done. What we can do is look in to the future and identify what we want to happen. We can always have a plan for our futures but I'm a firm believer that God has a plan for each and every one of us, and he will lead us where we are meant to go. And with that, readers, I leave you with this song (a mash up by one of my favorite a cappella groups, Pentatonix). This mash ironically (most likely intentionally) and conveniently correlates with the apocalyptic predictions tomorrow. It's pretty awesome none the less. :P
SONG OF THE BLOG: Pentatonix: Save the World/ Don't You Worry Child
God Bless and to all a Merry CHRISTmas!
Nick Mullins!
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