Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Spring has Sprung....

     As I scroll through the seemingly endless Facebook news feed, I'm bombarded with a plethora of statuses ranging from baby daddy drama to NCAA championship posts. Most of these I overlook but today and yesterday I've noticed the enormous amount of posts related to the weather. "Yay Spring is finally here!" "What a beautiful Spring day!" "I'm going to ENO because it's Spring and that's the only time it's ideal to ENO." Woot. I'd love to say that I'm as enthusiastic as everyone else about the dramatic weather change in the last two weeks, but I'm just not. Sure, I enjoy not having to wear pants and not having to wear gloves, but for me, Spring brings about some serious negatives.
     First off, I should begin by saying that I have chronic Sinusitis (yes, that's a thing). It means that I constantly have a sinus infection, or swelling, of  the sinuses. Also, I'm severely allergic to all trees and grasses. You're starting to see how Spring is especially miserable  for me, aren't you? Yes, it's a pain in the rear that even my four allergy medications can't alleviate. Today, for instance, is a bad day. I'm sniffling as I type this actually.
     Next, with warmer weather brings sweat. And I don't usually sweat that much (at least I used to not) but since coming to college I look like a hot mess walking to every class, especially when I have to trek all the way across campus in ten minutes. It's not that sweat in itself is that uncomfortable, but I get it in really strange places. My head, especially where my hair is, is dripping. My back, where my backpack rests, is moist. Not comfortable; and it makes me look like poop when walking into my classes. I've gotta look good.
     Last, but certainly not least, bugs. I hate em. They always seem to find me. ALWAYS. They itch me, irritate me, get in my way, threaten to sting me. Leave me alone you six-legged monsters! This factor especially, combined with the previously mentioned, is the reason why I never wanted to go outside as a child. I'm basically allergic to nature. So yeah.
     By this point in the blog you're probably thinking that I hate Spring. That's not entirely true. I love the amazing beauty of watching things grow and bloom. It's magnificent. I just wish I could watch from inside. Can't I just live in a bubble?
God Bless,
   Nick Mullins!

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